Corporate Office
40W201 Wasco Road, Suite D
St. Charles, IL 60175
Phone: 630.587.0470
Fax: 630.587.0475
Trotter and Associates, Inc. announces that sealed bids for LAWRENCE AVENUE LIFT STATION REHABILITATION. The proposed construction consists of demolition of the existing wet well, valve vault, controls, generator and generator pad. New pre-cast polymer concrete wet well with two (2) submersible pumps, valve vault, meter vault, controls and natural gas fueled emergency power generator will be installed to replace the existing equipment. Work shall also include site piping with connections to existing gravity sewers and the forcemain. Proposed site improvements include grading and fill, asphalt repair, bollard installation and restoration of the site, as well as other miscellaneous items of work.
Bids will be received at the Office of the City Clerk, City of Joliet Municipal Building, 150 West Jefferson Street, Joliet, Illinois 60432-4156 until 10:00 A.M. local time on Monday, April 25, 2022, at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud. It is highly recommended that all bids be tabbed to mark the Bidding Schedule and Bid Bond. An electronic copy of the entire submission on a USB flash drive is also requested to be included in the bid packet. Those in attendance must adhere to the current City of Joliet City Hall COVID-19 policy.
It is preferred that you mail your bids/proposals. They should be addressed as follows: CITY OF JOLIET - SEALED BID ENCLOSED, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 150 W. JEFFERSON ST., JOLIET, IL 60432. If you do choose to hand deliver your bid/proposal, they are to be hand delivered to the East or West side of City Hall, 150 W. Jefferson St., Joliet, IL 60432 and marked clearly on the outside of the SEALED package with the BID NUMBER AND NAME OF THE PROJECT, DATE AND TIME OF THE BID OPENING, NAME AND ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF YOUR COMPANY and RECEIPT OF ALL ADDENDA (if applicable). For more information about this bid and other available opportunities visit
© Trotter & Associates, Inc.
© Trotter & Associates, Inc.