By Mark Dupree
March 26, 2025
In 2022, Trotter and Associates, Inc. completed an assessment of the Village of Algonquin’s Braewood Lift Station. The primary improvements focused on increasing the station’s capacity to handle the rapid growth in both the Braewood Lift Station service area and the upstream Grand Reserve Lift Station service area. With the increased capacity of the station, the velocity through the existing 10-inch force main exceeded allowable limits. To address this, a 16-inch force main was included in the design, which was constructed in 2024. With the force main constructed, the station rehabilitation has commenced. Work within the station includes upsizing the piping and pumps, replacing the grinder, and improving both the electrical and HVAC systems. Upon completion of the work, the pumping capacity of the station will be increased from 1,500 gallons per minute (GPM) to 5,000 GPM, allowing the Village to meet both current and future development demands.