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40W201 Wasco Road, Suite D
St. Charles, IL 60175
Phone: 630.587.0470
Fax: 630.587.0475
The City of St. Charles’s Mayor and Council Members threw out the first shovel of dirt to celebrate the groundbreaking ceremony for the City of St. Charles West Side Water Reclamation Facility - Phase III Expansion which took place on Monday, April 26th. Vissering Construction Company began the $17.6 Million project on May 11th, 2021 and were onsite for the ceremony alongside TAI and the City’s representatives and elected officials.
In addition to expanding the facility from 0.7 MGD to 1.05 MGD, the project will include screening and pumping improvements, biological nutrient removal of Phosphorus and Nitrogen, and clarifier and aerobic digester rehabilitation. The scope also includes construction of a new Tertiary Building to house alum storage and feed systems for phosphorus polishing, a non-potable water system, tertiary disc filters, and UV disinfection, construction of a Vactor receiving station, construction of a Sludge Handling Building, and construction of a Sludge Storage Building that will provide a year of storage for the City’s two treatment facilities. The project will be funded by a Low Interest Loan from the Illinois EPA.
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