Corporate Office
40W201 Wasco Road, Suite D
St. Charles, IL 60175
Phone: 630.587.0470
Fax: 630.587.0475
TAI is contracted with the City of Woodstock to design the “South Plant Phase I Improvements”. This project includes the construction of a new Chemical Feed Building for chemical phosphorus removal, as well as rehabilitation of the existing aerobic digesters. The digesters will be upgraded to include aeration in the center thickening ring to increase digestion capacity and eliminate freezing issues in the winter. Additionally, a cover will be added to the outer ring of Digester 1, and the wasting process will be upgraded to automate and simplify operations. The project also includes improvements to the existing oxidation ditch, installation of dissolved oxygen sensors, and replacing the existing drives with VFDs to improve energy efficiency and dial in the aeration. Finally, we are adding a ring road to the site to improve access for trucks and deliveries, which requires regarding the west side of the site and modifications to the existing excess flow storage lagoon. This project is scheduled to go to bid in early Summer.
© Trotter & Associates, Inc.
© Trotter & Associates, Inc.