Not going to make the Final Material Inventory deadline of March 15?

January 9, 2024

Struggling to meet the Illinois EPA Final Material Inventory and Report Deadline. Many communities are facing the same challenge. The IEPA has an extension available for March 15, 2024. You will have to request the extension by January 15, 2024. The following steps will guide you through the extension request.

  1. Send an email request to the Illinois IEPA @
  2. Make sure to put “Extension Request” in the subject line.
  3. State the length of time needed (up to 6 months) and the reason why.
  4. Make sure to state that you want an extension for the final material inventory and the report.
  5. They will acknowledge the receipt of the emailed request and send you an IEPA Final Material Inventory Extension Request form.
  6. Once the form is filled out, signed, and sent in, they will review the request.
  7. Once reviewed, the Illinois EPA will send you a Special Exception Permit (SEP) informing you of the new due date.

Remember requests must be made by January 15, 2024, and no additional extensions will be allowed.

At Trotter and Associates, Inc., we pride ourselves on our full-service team of licensed in-house engineers, architects, and land surveyors. Our team specializes in resolving complex issues arising from increased development, a changing regulatory environment, and an aging infrastructure. We have extensive experience handling projects, from municipal infrastructure rehabilitation to minor renovations and new construction. Please contact us if you have any questions or need assistance.

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