Corporate Office
40W201 Wasco Road, Suite D
St. Charles, IL 60175
Phone: 630.587.0470
Fax: 630.587.0475
The TAI Project Team was retained by the City of Geneva and the Geneva Park District to develop an environmentally-sensitive solution to a long standing flooding issue on the east side of the City. White’s Creek drains a 590 acre urban sub-watershed that experienced repetitive flooding problems associated with culvert restrictions and a rapid increase in flood discharges following short duration storm events.
In order to develop the solution to the problem, TAI prepared a highly detailed runoff model for the sub-watershed and modeled a large section of the drainage system using both XP-SWMM and HEC-RAS in unsteady state flow. This dynamic flow analysis allowed TAI staff to confirm the complex flow conditions through the project site and insure that the project as designed would alleviate the flooding.
The project included earthwork analysis, hydraulic modeling of proposed storm sewer performance, floodplain impacts, stream channel dynamics, regulatory permitting, plant/seed selection, sediment & erosion control plans (SWPPP), construction drawings, and specifications. Surveying and construction staking was completed by TAI, which also assisted the City and Park District with acquisition of grant funding from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Section 319 Program.
© Trotter & Associates, Inc.
© Trotter & Associates, Inc.