City of St. Charles – Riverside Pump Station

June 29, 2017

Riverside Pump Station was originally constructed in the 1930’s and has been expanded and rehabilitated on several occasions. The existing mechanical fine screens were reaching the end of their service life and slated for replacement as part of the City’s Capital Improvements Plan. When the USEPA announced the creation of the 2009 Stimulus Program, the City elected to move this project forward.

Trotter and Associates provided planning, design and construction engineering for the improvements. The project scope originally included installation of two mechanical fine screens, a washer/compactor, and a breakwater system. During the bidding phase the lift station experienced a major electrical strike which resulted in failure of variable frequency drives, broken piping, and failure of a 75 horsepower pump motor. The scope of the project and loan amount were increased to address these issues.

The project was combined with the East Side Pump Station Rehabilitation Project and funded through the Illinois EPA Low Interest Loan and ARRA Stimulus Program. The $2,042,000.00 contract was awarded in October of 2009 and completed in August of 2010.

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