Corporate Office
40W201 Wasco Road, Suite D
St. Charles, IL 60175
Phone: 630.587.0470
Fax: 630.587.0475
The City of West Chicago’s annual water improvements program recommended the replacement of existing infrastructure under Illinois Route 59 from Washington Street through Hillview Avenue.
The existing water main was constructed prior to expansion of Illinois Route 59 to a five-lane thoroughfare. Needless to say, one of the biggest challenges was to design this improvement with the least amount of impact to the businesses along IL Route 59 and to the motoring public. These businesses ranged from individual retail to fast food restaurants including McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts.
Scope of work for the construction of 1,900 lineal feet of 10-inch main along this heavily traveled state route included three directional borings under the highway, significant easement acquisition, and detailed coordination with the Illinois Department of Transportation. Trotter and Associates completed the design, which preserved existing traffic patterns during construction and provided minimal disruption to water users. Additional coordination was required with residents, business owners, and IDOT for permanent and temporary easement dedications. Trotter and Associates was responsible for document preparation including plats and agreements.
Based on the success of this project, the City of West Chicago engaged Trotter and Associates to design the second phase of the water improvements along Illinois Route 59 as well as miscellaneous looping extensions and service relocations. This additional project included roughly 2,500 lineal feet of 12-inch water main between Blair Street on the north and Forest Avenue on the south.
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© Trotter & Associates, Inc.