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40W201 Wasco Road, Suite D
St. Charles, IL 60175
Phone: 630.587.0470
Fax: 630.587.0475
The Northern Moraine Wastewater Reclamation District (NMWRD) completed a Facility Plan Amendment in an effort to determine the long term goals of the NMWRD and its users. The Facility Plan Amendment recommends construction of two major interceptor sewers and two regional lift stations with an estimated value of $17.5 Million. This would provide the NWMRD with the ability to serve all parcels within its Facility Planning Area. TAI identified an opportunity to reduce design phase fees through digital ortho aerial photography for the Darrell Road Interceptor and Lily Lake Road Interceptor sewer projects. The savings was estimated to be $60,000 to $70,0000 for both interceptor routes.
The District has requested that TAI proceeded with the engineering services for the Darrell Road Interceptor and Darrell Road Lift Station. The interceptor sewer and force main route is roughly 31,000 feet long. The estimated value of the proposed Darrell Road projects was $11 Million including a budgetary value of $720,000 for design phase services. Due to the downturn in land development within the area, the Village elected to shelf a majority of the project but proceeded with the first phase of the project.
This first phase included the construction of approximately 800 linear feet of sewer ranging in size from twenty-four to forty two-inches in diameter. The average depth of the sewer was over twelve feet deep. The project was completed 22% under the original contract price.
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© Trotter & Associates, Inc.