TAIs Elizabeth Heise to Present Choosing Your Phosphorus Removal Process Part 3

April 24, 2024

Elizabeth Heise from Trotter and Associates, Inc., will present part three of the webinar series "Choosing Your Phosphorus Removal Process" on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at 12 PM. This webinar will build on Parts 1 and 2 and provide participants with the necessary tools to evaluate both Bio-P and Chem-P and make an informed selection for a WRRF based on key deciding factors.

The presenters will first discuss the information needed to make an informed decision and demonstrate what a robust RFI should include. The presentation will then consider existing facility infrastructure, including configuration, secondary treatment, solids treatment, disinfection, available capacity, operational requirements, cost, and available footprint on-site. The presenters will review the use of decision-making criteria, both monetary and nonmonetary, as part of the decision-making process. After discussing the selection process, the presenters will examine a brief example case.

For more information about the webinar click on the following link:


PDH Credits will be available for attendees following this event on this platform.

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