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Trotter and Associates, Inc. is proud to have Lindsay Muth and Irena Hix participate in this year's annual WEF Community Service Project. Every year, WEFTEC attendees have an opportunity to give back to the local host city.
This year’s project, “Maryites Are Stormwater SMArt!” took place at St. Mary’s Academy. Lindsay Muth and Irena Hix joined the volunteers organized by the Students and Young Professional Community (SYPC) to construct two bio-gardens to offset nearby stormwater infrastructure in a courtyard subject to frequent flooding after precipitation events. The stormwater runoff from the school and surrounding impervious areas creates pooled water in front of the cafeteria, causing problems with safe access to the entrance. This project alleviates flooding by capturing 5,000 gallons of runoff, and the native plants create a beautiful natural space near the courtyard entrance.
Trotter and Associates, Inc. congratulates Lindsay and Irena and the dedicated volunteers of this year’s Students and Young Professionals Community Service Project on their invaluable contributions to a successful community project.
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© Trotter & Associates, Inc.