City of McHenry - 2022 Road Improvement

August 9, 2022

The City of McHenry elected to take significant steps towards improving the local city streets through a road resurfacing program that will continue through the upcoming years. McHenry utilized an independent 3rd party firm to create a report analyzing the condition of the local city streets for a systematic approach to providing value to the community. This report identified for selection the streets rated the lowest in overall condition. The City made selections based on a dedicated funding amount with the express goal of resurfacing as many roads as possible.

The 2022 Road Program included milling of existing bituminous surfaces, preparation and re-grading of the existing roadway bases, adjustment of utility structures, placement of hot-mix asphalt binder and surface courses and the restoration of disturbed areas. The Project incorporated 28 individual streets totaling approximately 7.7 miles of local city streets.

The City requested Trotter and Associated Inc. to provide construction engineering services for the Project. TAI staff provided Project oversite during construction including the Contractor’s daily progress and Work in accordance with IDOT documentation policies and procedures, ensuring the Contractor performed all Work conforming to the Contract Documents, Project coordination between the Public Works Department and the Contractor, documenting construction progress for periodic reporting and quantifying Work performed for periodic payments to the Contractor.

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