Corporate Office
40W201 Wasco Road, Suite D
St. Charles, IL 60175
Phone: 630.587.0470
Fax: 630.587.0475
Sealed proposals will be received by the Northern Moraine Wastewater Reclamation District for the project entitled “Lakemoor Lift Station No. 1-7 Modifications” until 1:00 PM on September 7, 2022 at the District’s office, 113 Timber Trail, Island Lake, IL 60042. The sealed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud immediately afterwards in the District’s Board Room, on the same date. Sealed bids shall be addressed to the Northern Moraine Wastewater Reclamation District, Attn: Mohammed Haque, District Manager and shall be labeled “Bid for Lakemoor Lift Station No. 1-7 Modifications”. A copy of the bid advertisement can be viewed online at the District’s website,
A Pre–Bid Conference will be held on August 17th, 2021 at 10:00 AM at the District’s office, 113 Timber Trail, Island Lake, IL 60042. Please contact Andrea Fialko (630) 587-0470 to purchase contract documents. All other questions should be directed to Jillian Kiss (630) 587-0470
The Owner invites sealed Bidder's Proposals for the Work described in detail in the Contract and generally described as follows:
A. Demolition
1. Lift Station – pumps, control panel, generator.
B. Lift Station No. 1 generally includes:
1. Replace (2) electromagnetic flow meters and transmitters.
2. Blast and re-coat dry well piping.
3. Replace submersible pumps and pump controllers.
4. Landscape around wet well.
5. Install light pole and LED fixture.
6. Install new alarm system.
7. Add service disconnect to exterior of existing control panel enclosure.
8. Install isolation transformer on exterior of existing control panel enclosure
C. Lift Station No. 2 generally includes:
1. Replace submersible pump.
2. Blast and re-coat dry well piping.
3. Install new LED light fixture on existing light pole.
4. Install new alarm system.
D. Lift Station 3 generally includes:
1. Replace generator and concrete equipment pad.
2. Blast and re-coat dry well piping.
3. Install light pole and LED fixture.
4. Install new alarm system.
E. Lift Station 4 generally includes
1. Install generator and concrete equipment pad.
2. Install fence, gates and landscaping.
3. Install LED light fixture on existing pole.
4. Install new alarm system.
F. Lift Station No. 5 generally includes:
1. Install bollards.
2. Replace submersible pump.
3. Install LED light fixture.
4. Install new alarm system.
5. Install landscaping.
G. Lift Station No. 6 generally includes:
1. Coat steel wet well with corrosion-resistant lining material.
2. Install new control panel.
3. Install new light pole and LED fixture.
H. Lift Station No. 7 generally includes:
1. Install new control panel.
2. Install new light pole and fixture.
3. Install access hatch fall protection on dry well access hatch.
4. Install submersible pump.
5. Remove fencing.
6. Replace generator and concrete equipment pad.
7. Install landscaping
The Work shall be performed at the following Work Sites:
Lift Station No. 1 - 598 Fritzsche Rd, Lakemoor. On the NE corner of Fritzsche and Wegner
Lift Station No. 2 - North end of Herbert Road, enter John Deere Landscapes, on west side of road
Lift Station No. 3 - 316 Venice Rd, Lakemoor
Lift Station No. 4 - 112 Lily Lake Pkwy, Lakemoor
Lift Station No. 5 - 532 Santa Barbara Road, Lakemoor
Lift Station No. 6 - 32205 Darrell Rd, Lakemoor (at Heritage Community Park entrance)
Lift Station No. 7 - 160 South Drive, Lakemoor. On the south side of South Drive at Venice Road
The Work shall be performed at the following Work Site: Northern Moraine Wastewater Reclamation District, 420 Timber Trail, Island Lake IL, 6005.
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© Trotter & Associates, Inc.