Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi Presenting Village of Hanover Park a Check for $800,000

June 28, 2024

The Village of Hanover Park owns and maintains approximately 94 miles of sanitary sewer collection system and eight lift stations. The collection system conveys flow from the Cook County portion of the Village to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District and flows from the DuPage County portion to the wastewater treatment facility owned by the Village. The Village provided lift station assessments of the Cook County lift stations in 2019 and the DuPage County lift stations in 2022.


The most significant issues were identified and summarized, primarily focused on the structural integrity of the lift station wet wells and vaults. To address these issues, Hanover Park is being presented with a check from Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi for $800,000 to rehabilitate six of its eight sanitary sewer lift stations. The check ceremony is scheduled for July 1, at 12:00 PM, at the Village’s Sewage Treatment Plant. 

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