Northern Moraine WRD Holiday Hills/Le Villa Vaupell Sewer Extension

July 2, 2024

Trotter and Associates was retained to develop a plan for servicing the unsewered community of Holiday Hills and the Le Villa Vaupell Subdivision in Unincorporated McHenry County. The existing septic systems within these areas are prone to flooding, as they are adjacent to or within the floodplain of the Fox River. This flooding can have a negative impact on the water quality within the watershed.

The collection system comprises gravity and low-pressure sewers, which convey flows from the 335 properties to a new lift station within Holiday Hills. This station pumps flow to the District’s existing collection system. Phase 1, which included the lift station and a portion of the collection system in Holiday Hills, was completed in 2023.

Phase 2 consists of the sanitary sewer extension into Le Villa Vaupell Subdivision and will commence in 2024. Trotter and Associates also provided construction and funding administration services for the project. The District has received over $8 Million in local, state, and federal grant funds to support the project. 

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