Village of Addison – Plant Consolidation Project

August 29, 2024

The Village owns and operates two wastewater treatment plants and has evaluated their options for upgrading each plant or consolidating their two plants to meet more stringent effluent limits. The Village recently partnered with Trotter & Associates to design the improvements. The Plant Consolidation Project consists of expanding and upgrading nearly every unit process at the North WWTP, constructing a 28 MGD Pump Station at the AJL WWTP property (including screening and grit removal), decommissioning the AJL WWTP, and constructing roughly two miles of dual 20" force main. The expanded North WWTP will feature the construction of a new screening facility, new excess flow clarifiers, expanded aeration basins with biological nutrient removal, an eighth final clarifier, a new advanced treatment building, and a new Administration and Maintenance building.

North WWTP
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