Corporate Office
40W201 Wasco Road, Suite D
St. Charles, IL 60175
Phone: 630.587.0470
Fax: 630.587.0475
* See addendum for deadline changes
PROJECT MANAGERS: Chris Marschinke, P.E.
The Village of Oak Brook invites sealed Bidder’s Proposals for the Work described in detail in the Contract and generally described as the installation of infrastructure to the Village of Oak Brook Water System by constructing a water main along Harger Road between Spring Road and Commerce Drive.
The Village of Oak Brook will receive sealed Bidder’s Proposal for the Work until 10:00 o’clock, a.m., local time, January 31, 2023, at Owner’s office listed above (Attn: Rania Serences, Senior Purchasing Assistant), at which time, or as soon thereafter as possible, all Bidder’s Proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud within the SE Dean Board Room of the Butler Government Center. Bids received after this date and time will be returned to the sender unopened.
Work under this Contract will generally include, but is not limited:
All terms capitalized in this Invitation for Bidder’s Proposals and in the other Bidding Documents are defined in the Bidding Documents and the Contract and shall have such defined meanings wherever used. The Bid Package consists of the Bidding Documents and the Contract, both as hereinafter defined.
Engineer may, during construction, furnish such additional Contract Drawings and Specifications or such other explanations as Engineer may consider necessary to illustrate or explain the Work in further detail. The successful Bidder shall be required to comply with the requirements of all such additional Contract Drawings and Specifications or other explanations, all of which shall be considered part of the Contract and shall not be considered as indicating additional Work.
The Bidding Documents and the Contract may be examined at the office of the Engineer, as listed above. The Contract Documents may be inspected and purchased at the following locations.
Trotter and Associates, Inc.
40W201 Wasco Road
St. Charles, IL 60175
A copy of the Bidding Documents and the Contract can be purchased at the office of Engineer in the form of cash, certified check or money order. No partial sets of specifications or drawings will be issued. The non–refundable cost for hard-copies of drawings and specifications is $150.00. The non–refundable cost for electronic (PDF) copies of drawings and specifications is $75.00. Addenda will be issued only to plan holders.
Questions should be directed to:
Each prospective Bidder shall, before submitting its Bidder’s Proposal, carefully examine the Bidding Documents and the Contract. Each prospective Bidder shall inspect in detail the Work Site and the surrounding area and shall familiarize itself with all local conditions, including subsurface, underground and other concealed conditions, affecting the Contract, the Work and the Work Site. The Bidder whose Bidder’s Proposal is accepted will be responsible for all errors in its Bidder’s Proposal including those resulting from its failure or neglect to make a thorough examination and investigation of the Bidding Documents, the Contract, and the conditions of the Work Site and the surrounding area.
Each Bidder’s Proposal shall be accompanied by a security deposit of ten (10%) percent of the Bidder’s Price Proposal in the form of (1) a Cashier’s Check or Certified Check drawn on a solvent bank insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and payable without condition to Owner or (2) a Bid Bond in the form included in the Bidding Documents from a surety company licensed to do business in the State of Illinois with a general rating of A minus and a financial size category of Class X or better in Best’s Insurance Guide.
The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a
Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond upon award of the Contract, each in the penal sum of the full amount of the Contract Price, in the form included in the Contract and from a surety company meeting the requirements set forth above. Each Bidder’s Proposal must be accompanied by a letter from such a surety company stating that it will execute Bonds in the form included in the Contract Documents upon award of the Contract to Bidder.
The successful Bidder will be required to furnish certificates of insurance as required by Section 4.2 of the Contract Agreement, Article IV of the General Conditions of Contract, and Section 4 of the Special Conditions of Contract upon award of the Contract. Each Bidder’s Proposal must be accompanied by a letter from Bidder’s insurance carrier or its agent certifying that said insurer has read the requirements set forth in the Contract and will issue the required certificates and policies of insurance upon award of the Contract to Bidder.
© Trotter & Associates, Inc.
© Trotter & Associates, Inc.