Village of Roselle - Jerry A. Botterman STP Biological Nutrient Removal Upgrade Project

January 30, 2025

Village of Roselle - Jerry A. Botterman STP Biological Nutrient Removal Upgrade Project


DUE DATE: March 20, 2025 (no later than 2:00 p.m. local time)

PROJECT MANAGERS: Brandon Thomas, P.E.



The Village of Roselle is soliciting sealed bids for improvements to the Botterman wastewater treatment plant, including headworks improvements, secondary clarifier rehabilitation, oxidation ditch BNR modification, and construction of a new chemical feed building.

Sealed proposals labeled as:

  “Jerry A. Botterman Biological Nutrient Removal Upgrade Project”

Must be submitted on or before, but no later than 2:00 p.m. local time on Thursday, March 20, 2025 the Office of Public Works, located at 474 Congress Circle North, Roselle, IL 60172.

Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference
mandatory pre-bid conference at 2:00 PM on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH at the Office of Public Works, located at 474 Congress Circle, Roselle, IL 60172. A site visit to the construction site, the Botterman STP, located at 1351 Central Avenue, Roselle, IL 60172, will follow the meeting at Public Works.

Document Inspection and Procurements

The Contract Documents may be inspected and downloaded at the following location.

No partial sets of specifications or drawings will be issued.

The addenda will be issued only to plan holders.

Project Contact

All questions regarding this project shall be directed to Brandon Thomas, P.E., Trotter & Associates, Inc. at or (630) 587-0470.

Primary Work

  1. Headworks Improvements.
  2. Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation
  3. Oxidation Ditch BNR Modification with an AlternatIR retrofit
  4. Construction of a new chemical feed building
  5. Site Improvements

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